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Moving The Needle from Potential to Actual

I’m passionate about living in the field of possibilities far greater than I can readily see or access.

As a spiritual healer of many years, it was my responsibility to do just that.

During times of holding space open for higher possibilities for myself or someone else, I’ve learned its more than optimistic positive thinking or keeping hope alive, though these are helpful.

Beyond these mindsets, I’ve also found a few things to be very powerful to collapse the wave that says, “Whatever you most need is most likely impossible.”

The Heisenberg Principle is a proven scientific theory of quantum mechanics

It states that when something moves from a potential into an actualized state, that a wave collapses. I view “the wave” as the obstacle to fulfilling a potential.

We should all become experts on collapsing any wave that prevents us from actualizing our potential in all things! We need to become wave collapsers! Just think, it’s only a wave that’s in the way of fulfilling your potential.

Consider the opposite stance of deciding and judging that any good is impossible in a difficult situation. Or that it’s better to be realistic and trust only what you can see as possible so you won’t’ be disappointed or be seen as a fool.

We are not, for example, collapsing the wave when we hold the position that affirms, “It’s impossible to have a better life, to have more money, to heal our physical condition, to find a loving mate, a better place to live, or to improve our prospects.”

Here are a couple ways I collapse the wave and move the needle from potential to actual.

See the contents of a problem and group it into a higher context

Rather than viewing something as a problem, go beyond its contents and reach for its higher context to keep the space open for possibilities and collapse the wave.

Need a new home? Think in terms of your right place on earth and allow the universe to help you open the place for you.

Need a better paying job? Think in terms of your soul’s courage for coming to earth and its need to find its purpose here and that you are teaming with your guides and angels from higher realms to help you.

Need someone to love? Think in terms of loving others the way you wish to be loved and do it wholeheartedly to prove to yourself that love is in your life, big time. And that love is totally possible from others to you as well as from you to others!

These may be simplified examples, and they make take time and effort, but they illustrate how to shift a paradigm from bleak to glorious.

View your problem as someone who is detached from the problem and is merely observing it

I recall being awake most of a night in great anger. The story I was telling myself and running through my mind wouldn’t stop. I saw no end to it. I’d been at it for hours and it seemed to be worse. I was a mess.

Finally, I pulled back and observed myself, realizing I’d spent a lot of time emotionalizing. I observed anger as something that had been going on since time immemorial before I was even born. Sometimes I get hooked into anger and other times I don’t. Whether or not I participate with the emotion, the anger still exists outside of me. I thought, “Why don’t I allow the anger to exist without me? Just let it go.”

This healthy, detached observation allowed me to stop being a willing participant to anger. After a few times of going back and forth, in and out of anger, then catching myself and remembering, “I’m not going to do anger,” it all stopped. The battle ended. My mind no longer raced. The wave of anger collapsed, and I was in a new field of possibilities beyond anger. Anger had the power to hold me in bondage for most of the night. Observation brought in a greater power and released me.

Think less linear and more non-linear

When it comes to linear thinking, it’s practical to balance your check book and list goals and actions for accomplishing things. Linear thinking says, “From where I am at stage 3, within 7 years, I’ll get to stage 4. I hope to eventually get to stage 10.”

Linear thinking can sometimes convince you why it will take a long time to accomplish something and the probability you’ll not be able to. Sometimes we need to take a quantum leap.

There were numerous technical inventions that occurred during the space program while they were working out the bigger obstacles to get us to the moon. Shoe insoles, solar panels, shock absorbers, and artificial limbs to name a few.

When you think in terms of non-linear, you are no longer charting or graphing your prospects through time. You drop time and left brain thinking in favor of holding space open for more quantum wonderful things to occur.

“Thinking outside the box” is a common system of brain storming utilized by teams when they’re being their most creative. Big results occur. We can paradigm jump by using non-linear thinking.

In your darkest more difficult places, admit miracles into your life

I’ve found comfort being part of what would be considered miracles, which are happening all the time once you’re open to them. We constantly create paradigm shifts where something wonderful appears right where previously the same condition had not shown hope.

I was once stuck in an unhappy marriage. When I’d thought of it in a linear way, I saw no end in sight. It looked as though my misery would continue ad infimum. But a surprising paradigm shift occurred when my husband secretly made the decision to leave.

It felt like a devastating loss, putting an end to the hope I carried of the marriage improving. His sudden departure threw me into turmoil and grief.

However, after a few months from his exit, having processed the 18 years and seeing it from many other view points, I realized that I’d held onto a false hope for too long and his leaving could actually be a good thing. This was a shift for me – an opening to possibilities.

Little did I know that the gap he left open would be the very space that would enable the love of my life to enter a year later! It has felt like a miracle that my life turned from a very dark place to one of such love, joy, and thrill!

As my beloved, Scotty, read this blog, we talked about the amazing miracles since we married, including the ongoing quality of love and intimacy we enjoy every day.

As you take steps to view your problems as an observer, reach for a new context (or light) rather than believing they won’t change. Hold space open for greater possibilities. Allow miracles to unfold first in your consciousness and then, inevitably, in your life.

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