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Past Life-Spirit World Soul Regressions

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3 Steps to Getting Unstuck

3 Steps to Getting Unstuck

One of my clients reached out to me recently. She was stuck in heartache, suffering from enormous emotional pain and disappointment of feeling unloved and ignored by her adult son.

She found herself often longing to leave her earth experience and return home to Spirit World.

The following is how I answered her email.

Dear (client).

I’m going to write freely and honestly in response to your email.

When you are stuck, you are being asked to change.

Change is the correct response to your longing. Departure from this life is not what you are being prompted to do.

Your response to your emotional pain is to depart and return to Spirit World. Yet, this is only an indication of how bad the pain is. For sure, it isn’t the answer to the pain of being stuck.

The present heartache position needs to be outgrown, which is what your soul signed up for in this life.

Growing isn’t easy. It indicates a need to create new patterns of thoughts and persistent interruptions of old familiar negative thoughts which need to be replaced with divinely sourced ones.

Basically, when you see yourself longing for human love, you will be able to replace it with the growing awareness of divine Love with you. This is key to becoming unstuck. It will take time. And, it will work.

Remember, we have about 100,000 thoughts a day. Most of them are not valuable, especially our negative inner thoughts, which are what you suffer from. It is less about what is said or done to us by others and more what we tell ourselves about it that we suffer from.

I’d like to introduce you to a practice of 3 simple steps, which will cause you to outgrow your pain and replace it with what will become your new consciousness based on divine Love.

As you read on, please remember that you are not your story.

Step #1: 

Watch your pattern of thoughts. Identify the ones of pain. Question their validity.

Just because your thought pattern is rehearsing an old pain of “Im not loved and it hurts me terribly,” doesn’t mean it’s valid or true. Identifying pain-thoughts and their subsequent feelings takes awareness. This is the beginning of healing the old pain.

Awareness interrupts the old pattern and begins a shift out of it.

By interrupting a thought (which arrives involuntarily from the unconscious mind) and becoming conscious, you are practicing something very powerful and healing, which will eventually shift you permanently out of the old pattern which is weak compared to the divine thought you can introduce to yourself in that moment. 

This means you will be identifying your old thoughts about being hurt and unloved because of your family member. Such thoughts are tiring and depleting.

This process of identifying the pain-thought puts you in a pause. In that pause you can reclaim your life.

Rather than going back to the old pattern of negative thoughts, you can replace it with thoughts sourced from the divine, which has healing power and is the purpose of your life. In this way you will change and grow – and outgrow your pain (or what you tell yourself is your pain,) which doesn’t really belong to you and never did. 

This will also impersonalize your pain where it’s just pain, not “your” pain, just pain, which has been around since the beginning of time. This is the human situation, and you are changing it, bringing it up higher through the divine. This is your task.

Become the defense attorney to your prosecuting attorney, which prosecutes and sentences you. You can disallow this as you practice higher, divinely sourced thoughts based on divine Love, always with you.

Divine Love is real. It’s a force of God. It has intelligence and care for you and is here to guide you. I think you know this at a deep level. Trust it.

Step #2: 

Replace pain-thoughts with new, higher thoughts which will add more weight towards the new, higher thought.

Here’s an example.

“I’m sourced from divine Love, therefore I AM love. I carry love with me. This love is divine and eternal and always present. It’s my true essence and identity. I brought Love with me to my present 3d life on earth. It is my purpose to live this as my truth and allow my old negative thoughts and feelings to be replaced by higher Love. which is what my soul most seeks and is the purpose of this life.

I can, at any time, ask my Spirit Guide for help to do this. When I feel weak and especially on days that I hurt the most, I can turn to my Guide and ask for help.

It is my duty, once I ask for help, to listen.

This means turning away from the pain-thoughts and allowing new thoughts and guidance to enter. It only takes moments. My soul knows exactly how to do this, and it is my intention to do this in this life. This is why I am here. I realize that I cannot do this alone. It’s too hard for me. That’s why I need to ask my Spirit Guide to help me.”

Step #3: 

Once you complete these steps and begin to receive guidance, record it.

Keep a simple journal every day. Record what you hunched was your answer from asking for help. Your hunch (intuition) will be correct.

Notice, as you do this daily, you will start to feel stronger. It will build your strength. Its power will be integrated with your new practice. This will eventually transform the entire situation to a higher place, one of peace, and where you feel your power.

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