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Past Life-Spirit World Soul Regressions

Innsight, Inspiration, and Understanding of Your Soul and Life Purpose!

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Bench Your Ego & Stay in Your Higher Self

Everyone has a Higher Self. That includes you!  

You can identify your Higher Self by the values important to you and that you strive to live by. Some of these include: compassion, kindness, love, fairness, forgiveness, joy, giving, generosity, equality, honesty, and humility. This is the substance of your Higher Self.

The goal is to bring forth even more of your infinite Higher Self by keeping it in front of you and holding yourself accountable regularly. I’ve been practicing this for many years, and I identify with these values. They’re important to my life meaning and purpose. I also value them in others and am attracted to people who practice high values. 

On days I feel numb to my Higher Self, I forgive myself and make a better effort, without judging myself. In the past few years, I’ve become stronger in my Higher Self practice. There’s no check list but I tend to feel bothered when I’m out of alignment with my values. 

Recently I had a shift. During my past life regression which my husband gave me, my guides announced, “Your ego has been benched.” In days following this announcement, I noticed that when my ego was in play, my Higher Self was not consciously present. The ego is a big cost to the Higher Self. 

By benching your ego, there’s more room for your Higher Self to manifest and be known by you and to contribute to others. I began to recognize my ego interrupting my Higher Self in several ways: 

1.  The ego acts out when it programs your thinking with, “I am.” Watch what follows when the ego is in charge. Negative “I am’s” are plentiful with the ego, such as: “I am not good enough. I feel stupid compared to others. I am incapable of doing big things. I am worthless.” This downward trend goes on ad nauseum and needs to be interrupted in order to make room for your Higher Self. 

2.  The ego gets off the bench through negative emotions. We all have them. It’s part of being human. Emotions such as jealousy, hate, frustration, anger, revenge, sadness, anxiety fear, etc., create a great loss to the Higher Self unless the Higher Self can help you to process them, which is healing. Validating our feelings enables us to begin processing them. We don’t want to get stuck in negative feelings. They inform us what is going on and what needs attention. Addressing negative feelings is an expression of loving ourselves, which is supportive to the Higher Self. 

3.  The ego has endless streaming opinions, perceptions, judgments, and thoughts about everything. When we are so occupied by the ego’s interpretations of what is occurring, we are distracted from the Higher Self. If we aren’t careful, we could be forever unaware of who we truly are, as Higher Self. When you find your ego running its course, just send it back to the bench. Make room for You Know Who! 

Benching the ego is like training a puppy to sit. When the puppy is in training, you give the command many times until the puppy learns. Stay with it and the ego will finally quiet down. Of course, there are other wonderful ways to quiet the ego such as meditation, prayer, spiritual intuiting and envisioning, journaling, mindfulness, walking in nature, and staring at something still while allowing your mind to relax.

The goal is not to focus on the ego. The focus is on the Higher Self. I generally address my Higher Self the first thing in the morning, before breakfast. But I’ll also do it during the day as needed. 

Here are some ways you can practice daily staying in your Higher Self. 

  • Invite Higher Self to come into your conscious realm. Pause for it.
  • Acknowledge and identify with your Higher Self. It’s the real you. Own it. (Watch the ego get upset when you own your Higher Self. The ego trends with, “I don’t deserve Higher Self. It’s not the real me. I’m not that good! I don’t know what to do with all this power! I’ve never realized these things about myself. Surely they couldn’t be true! This Higher Self is just my ego talking!”)
  • Notice during your day when you are in your Higher Self. It helps to journal it in the evening when you reflect. You’ll see how Higher Self came into play. It could be through actions with others or new helpful thoughts you had about things.
  • Notice when another person is in their Higher Self and how lovely it affects you. (Be careful not to compare yourself).
  • Feel the joy of being in your Higher Self and take in its meaning. Your soul is happy!
  • Write down a message from your Higher Self. Let this message come from within. (I find that there is always a message. Lately my Higher Self has been writing spiritual visions, and experiencing spiritual downloads, as well as giving me insights on lessons of wisdom I’ve been learning. Those are joyful experiences!)Invite Higher Self to expand by making time for it to appear and be honored by you. This is generally slow work but extremely enlightening (slow, because it requires a lot of awareness, which his good). Noticing Higher Self offers an outcome worth every moment of your effort.

    Your Higher Self needs to come into the human realm, not just be known quietly or occasionally by you. It longs to express and manifest in your 3-D experience and to be felt, seen, and experienced. When this happens, it’s generally quiet but evident. In Truth, experiencing Higher Self is what we all really long for. For me, manifesting Higher Self in the human realm is a coup. And it’s a quality of a happy, self-realized soul.

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