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Past Life-Spirit World Soul Regressions

Innsight, Inspiration, and Understanding of Your Soul and Life Purpose!

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Invoke the Power of Divine Intervention

You are not helpless. You can invoke the power of divine intervention for yourself or others and even for nations and global crises.

Simply through the intention to invoke divine intervention, something happens. A direct energy comes into play. You start to feel a power, where before the invocation, it was missing. In fact, the invocation is the beginning of transformation from a weak state into a strong state.

Because of our divine origin, each of us has divine power and authority to wield in the name of healing. When you call on this authority, you can begin to feel this power. Things begin to change. You are leaving the problem state (and that awful feeling of helplessness) to a solution state. You don’t need to know how this will occur.

Transformation is a phenomenon that we aren’t in charge of. Higher up beings know all about this and how to respond to our invocations. This is a healing method that connects with a pure, holy realm where things are worked out at very high levels. I have counted on this for over 40 years to bring healing – changing reality from being problem based to solution based, even when I haven’t yet seen the manifestation appear. Know that when you invoke the divine power of intervention, it begins to work, from the moment you ask.

I don’t hesitate to invoke. Divine help is always available to you. You are never alone. Your intention to invoke divine power sets it in motion on behalf of the problem you are addressing, no matter how difficult the problem is.

Sometimes other things in your life may have to be cleansed or changed to bring about the completion of an intervention. Listen for this and be ready to partner the divine change.

When I feel “worried to death,” too small for a big problem, tired of struggling with little progress, overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and such, where I need a release, I ask for the divine to intervene. There are times when we need to know and access something far more powerful than we ourselves. An intervention is the way.

A divine intervention also acts as a refuge, a place to go to gain rest and peace while the problem is being worked out at higher levels, bringing you resolution. Help is on the way!

Here are a few things that will help you to invoke a divine intervention:

  • Set the intention to invoke a divine intervention. “I hereby invoke a divine intervention for the following problem.”
  • Allow the divine to be inserted to break the chain of dysfunction and redirect the entire problem with new solutions. Feel the protection this brings. New energy starts to flow.
  • Allow a divine plan to emerge as you hold the door open for it.
  • Open up to new and greater possibilities and expand.
  • Ask for a divine sign so you know it’s working. Do this as many times as you need. (be sure to note when you sense a sign!)
  • Ask for divine guidance on how to proceed forward. Stay with it.
  • Follow your intuition through the difficult times. Even when it seems darkest, Light is there with you.
  • Remain calm and confident as healing takes place, knowing your reliance is solid. Stay with your invocation. It’s a living prayer.
  • Expect the problem to be transformed and healed with great improvement, relief, and a happier life. Expect to be nicely surprised.
  • Realize that the all power that created the world and created creation itself, is still the Creator of all things and has power and loving care to change your human struggles whenever called upon. This means you receive loving help. 
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