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This Problem is Not Mine (A Healing Treatment)

The healing I need is already within me, operating fully and effectively. Every spiritual avenue is open to me and I am flowing with triumph and success. Within me is the activity of peace, joy, fulfillment, freedom, inspiration, divine wisdom, and intelligence.

I am spiritually advantaged with all healing. My spirituality is more than sufficient for my healing. I am qualified and deserving of this healing.

There is no problem in me to appear as a condition of overwhelming, unhealable, overpowering, doom, acute or chronic. I am Spirit’s perfect presence, problem-less.

This problem is not mine. By divine authority I refuse the problem having any identity with me whatsoever. I have no relationship with this problem and this problem has no relationship with me. We are not united in any way.

I am empowered over that which appears to be negatively overpowering me. I hold the belief of overpowering-ness in subjection to me. I am not subject to the problem. The problem is subject to me!

I am the presence of God acting with supreme authority over the problem. I am not lessened or weakened or depleted by any problem. In my rise I am triumphant, strong, refreshed, renewed, progressed, effortlessly blessed in ways higher than before.

I am completely under-whelmed. Everything is working for me in behalf of the solution. I am the living presence of the solution unfolding. I am the presence of God’s healing ability of having overcome all that appears to be an obstacle – time, delay, appearances, material evidence of opposition to me, size, magnitude, and severity of problem. In all ways I am supreme and triumphant, without question.

I am completely sufficient at this moment and every moment in eternity. The problem that appears to be looming over me is subject to Love’s healing action. Love is caring for me entirely. I am well under Love’s healing care. I am filled with comfort and calm and peace.

I am the living solution which solves the entire problem. I need no one and nothing outside myself. My consciousness is calling forth all that I need and is creating the condition for my healing. Within me is the activity of completeness and wholeness, and I am manifesting this with 100% success.

I am greater than the problem. I am larger than all the pieces, details, description, history, emotion, cause, effect, and aggressiveness of what appears as a problem. I am the essence and appearance of Love, which reveals the powerless-ness of the problem. I am the Presence of God revealing there is no actual problem. If it is not a problem to God, it is surely not a problem to me as the divine beloved and treasured offspring.

I am not a casualty or statistic of loss. I am the living, inspired Presence of God’s all prevailing power, overriding the problem with supreme and final authority. I am moving forward at great strides with healing solutions. All the Universe aids me, under divine orders.

The Divine Commander of my healing is in full command, delegating battalions of billions of angels assigned to aid me with full support, guidance, help, and power, beyond my wildest imagination. I am open to this and receiving this help now. I welcome every single angel thought which is upholding and bringing forth my healing. I acknowledge every angel with gratitude and surrender. Thank you, Love’s healing angels!

I am caused to be victorious over the problem. All is well. I am filled with Light. There is no darkness. There is nothing to represent something dark in my life. No dark fear, worry, burden, limitation, lack, doubt. No dark spot. No dark place. No shadow. No dark crevice in the far corner hiding in my consciousness. Love’s healing light shines itself throughout my consciousness and causes me to be filled with illumination, radiance, and pure Light. I am energized with healing. I am Love’s Laser Light shining beautifully and splendidly.

The healing Light of Love fills me, surrounds me. I am open, strong, empowered, and healed. I accept every aspect of this healing. I am blessed. There is no curse. There is no one and no thing or circumstance to curse me. I am greater than my worst mistake, greater than my greatest accomplishment. I am infinitely more than is presently being revealed. I am seeing this. I am the win and there is no loss. I flow in Love’s healing law of progress and blessing.

Love is opening every avenue to express itself through my life. The divine plan for my life is a winning plan. It is filled with wonderful healing success. Love is expressing Itself through me. Love’s brilliance, genius, excellence, outstanding-ness, highest intelligence, and ability are being manifest by me at this very moment, plummeting the problem down to its nothingness, while giving rise to my Highest Self. As Love’s precious expression, I am invincible and unbeatable. I am in the divine plan moving forward through gentle and empowered unfoldments.

I am generously empowered with the activity of divine solution everywhere my thought turns. My heart is filled with overflowing joy and gratitude. I am open and willing to follow Spirit’s lead every moment. I am unconfined by anything finite or local. The infinite is here, eternity is now, and I am under divine Love’s infinite care.

My Highest Self is performing Itself. My Soul is rejoicing over its rise and victory. There is nothing to judge, condemn, shun, or deny my Soul’s rise. All of Soul celebrates all of Soul, at once. There is nothing to hold me back. I release all regret, remorse, resentment, disappointment, and pity towards myself and any one else. I am totally free.

I realize that all my spiritual efforts towards healing success are rewarded. In fact, since there is no delay or time in all eternity, all my excellent efforts simultaneously arrive with fulfillment. It’s a package deal. I am Love’s package of total success and victory. I cannot lose. I am Love’s win!

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